Sunday 7 September 2014

Can you take a hint?

Hola all my flappy friends

Get your sleeping bags and your deck chairs ready and free up your weekends everyone because within the next weeks a little book by the name of Betty's Easter Surprise is coming out!

Yes yes I know - I've been talking about it a lot and and I've put A LOT of false alarms up here but I'm onto the final edit (say it in the tune of the final countdown tune it makes it sound AWESOME!)

It's the final edit da da DAH DAH, da da DAH da da.... now you've got it stuck in your head haven't you - join the club! Anyway... It'll be paid for and everything next week! *excited scream* and if you're reading story jumper, you don't happen to have any sales on at the moment for certain people (hint hint)

Bye all my Flappy penguins
Keep flapping!