Sunday, 13 April 2014

time to stretch the old gray matter

Time to give your brains a workout!

Howdy all, last blog post of the term =( how time flies by...
back to the topic) a brain workout!
"A brain workout? Whats a brain workout ?"
Glad you asked. A brain workout is "a workout for your brain".
Yes thank you random blog reader that some how shouted through the screen.
Yes, it's stretching your brain to make you smarter and it works whether your gifted or if you have had a stroke or something. One of the "easy" tasks we did was this:

Yellow green blue red black black yellow yellow 
pink orange blue red red black green blue
yellow yellow yellow black green

Exercise one: read the word.
Exercise two: say the colour of the written word.

It's harder than you think.

Happy easter.

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