Tuesday, 26 March 2013


Enrich was action packed today!

Today we went to Queens Park to look at what type of patterns are in our area, we saw all different types of patterns like random ones like some toothpicks somebody dropped! 
 My buddy Norton and I were taking pictures of all the patterns we could find. There are 5 types of patterns beauty, order, strength,survivability and random. 
We also went to the rose garden, the aviary, the duck pond and the animals. At the rose garden we took pictures of all the pretty roses. Then we went to the animal enclosure and we saw Auckland Island pigs which surprisingly didn't stink!And finally to the aviary which was loaded with different types of birds!

 The whole purpose of this trip was to see what types of patterns are in our area!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


Hi all

Today was action packed! We did DRAMA it was tons and tons of fun we played 1 word story, when there are 3 people each standing in a line and you need to make up a story and you only get to say one word at a time.

3 players Billy, Sharon and Jarred 
Billy : koalas Sharon :like Jarred :food
like that then it continues until some one says 2 words or takes more than 20 seconds to say a word.

Why we do it 
To help us to be creative, think outside the box and think on our feet.

Today we also had Talent Development tasters.  I chose Maths which was probability and all about percentages.