Monday, 26 March 2012


Today we did leaderboard chess. My friend Anna asked me for
a game - I won!! Then she asked to play speed chess. It's so hard! Speed chess is when you use a chess clock and you only have 5 minutes each to complete the game.  We tried to do it but the time made us nervous so we ended up laughing too much, so we didn't get to finish, but it was fun.
By Mia!

Monday, 19 March 2012

week 7

This week I chose to do the Maths talent development.  Our group is going to be learning to do canstruction! Canstruction is building something out of cans - like a smurf or a gumboot or a laptop.  We have got heaps of cool ideas for our project.  Oh and
what is put on the table to be cut but not eaten...  A pack of cards. 
By Mia.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Hi Mia.
I was really impressed with your contributions to our discussion based around the negative aspects of being gifted on Tuesday.  You had some great ideas regarding strategies to deal with some of these issues.  You are making the most of your opportunities at Enrich by engaging in all the activities on offer.  Well done Mia.  Katie.

Monday, 12 March 2012


Hi for the last couple of weeks at enrich we have been doing prospective for the people who don't know its like what you think.
We have been doing things like should animals be kept in cages?
I don't think so all animals should have freedom.

Monday, 5 March 2012


For the last 3 weeks I have been learning spanish with Paola. She has told us lots of words like hola (hi) and Buenos dias
(good morning). Some things sound like they do in english,
 for example tigre (tiger). Some words are the same as they are in 
english like golf. It's lots of fun!

 From Mi

p.s hope to see you soon.